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Logotipo por eextenso do projeto, composto pelas letras O e D em um tamanho grande e do lado direito o nome Observatório Deficiência.

From invisibility to the conquest of rights

Accessibility: in the background, images of cuts from the documentary Pandora superimposed by a striped dark lilac filter. Above, the Disability Observatory brand, the subtitle "From invisibility to the conquest of rights" and the buttons "About the observatory", "OD Projects", "Watch Pandora" and "Systematic invisibility".

In the version of the site for smartphones, we don't have the images of the documentary Pandora in the background, only the shade of lilac appears.

Research, information and citizenship

Access scientific production and legislation on disability and inclusion below

Accessibility: on a set of icons referring to people with disabilities, we have three buttons: Publications of the Disability Observatory, Library and Legislation.

Superfície azul

Last updates

News on the issues of people with disabilities, on the Deficiency Observatory and articles published by project researchers

No posts published in this language yet
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

Accessibility: a set of 10 squares with images and titles that refer to news or publications produced by members of the Disability Observatory. On the smartphone version of the site, we only have the "All Content" button.


pandora- Documentary, 42'

An audiovisual production by the Disability Observatory, the film presents narratives collected from the stories of 6 characters, people with disabilities and family members interviewed in different locations in the country in 2021 during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Accessibility: we see a screen to watch the documentary Pandora, and on the right side a text that explains some of the audiovisual production.

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Agora, as atualizações do Blog do OD vão chegar direto no seu e-mail. :)

Disability Observatory
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Brasilia - UnB University Campus Darcy Ribeiro
North Wing, Brasilia-DF Brazil
CEP: 70.910-900

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Logotipo vertical do projeto, composto pelas letras O e D em cima do nome Observatório Deficiência.
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