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Disability Observatory


2022 - Current


People with disabilities living in institutional care: consequences of COVID-19, autonomy and organization of the care network

Description:The project aims to get to know the reality of people with disabilities who live in shelters or long-stay institutions during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. These subjects, due to the disruption of social and family relationships, do not have a community protection network to prevent them from being institutionalized. Thus, they need even more accurate looks, both in research and in public policy actions. A quantitative and qualitative approach will be carried out with the development in 24 months. The purpose of the investigation is to aggregate a set of information about life, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, through the use of secondary data analysis, primary data collection with a structured form in the identified institutions, ethnography in some institutions to be selected, life history and semi-structured interviews.
Status: In progress; Nature: Research.
Students involved: Undergraduate: (5) / Academic Master's: (1) / Professional Master's: (1) / Doctorate: (3) .

Members: Éverton Luís Pereira - Coordinator / Marineia Crosara de Resende - Member / Diego Ferreira Lima Silva - Member / Indyara de Araújo Morais - Member / Cecilia Muraro Alecrim - Member / Jéssica de Souza Lopes - Member.
Financier(s): Federal District Research Support Foundation - Financial assistance.

2021 - Current


Disability, guarantee of rights and citizenship: public policies and society in the Americas

Description:The research project seeks to understand the initiatives in vogue and the ways in which the interaction between organizations of people with disabilities and public policies in countries of the Americas and Ibero-America takes place. The project is developed in partnership with the Medical Anthropology Research Center (MARC) of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain.
Status: In progress; Nature: Research.
Students involved: Undergraduate: (2) .

Members: Éverton Luís Pereira - Coordinator / Diego Ferreira Lima Silva - Member / Cecilia Muraro Alecrim - Member / Fernanda de Deus Rocha - Member / Júlia Oliveira Souza - Member.
Financier(s): National Federation of APAES - Cooperation.
Number of C, T & A productions: 3

2020 - Current


People with Disabilities and COVID-19: building knowledge, monitoring networks, care and prevention

Description:According to the World Health Organization, people with disabilities (PwD) are more vulnerable and exposed to greater risks worldwide. This is even more salutary in developing countries. PwD are among the least educated, poorest and most stigmatized groups in the world. In the Federal District, they represent 22.23% of the general population, around 573,805 people. Of this total, 63.90% are aged over 65 years. PwDs have specificities according to their impediments and the barriers they experience in everyday social life. Among them, we can highlight the use of assistive technologies, barriers to accessing qualified information and health services, in some cases, the need for private health care and also the need for care from third parties, family members or professionals. These elements create greater vulnerability, especially in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in the world. This project aims to understand the consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic among people with disabilities and their families in Brazil. The project is developed in partnership with the Medical Anthropology Research Center (MARC) of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain.
Status: In progress; Nature: Research.
Students involved: Undergraduate: (6) / Professional Master's: (1) / Doctorate: (1) .

Members: Éverton Luís Pereira - Coordinator / Marineia Crosara de Resende - Member / Diego Ferreira Lima Silva - Member / Anahi Guedes de Melo - Member / Cecilia Muraro Alecrim - Member / Angel Martínez-Hernáez - Member / Uguiarlem Ribeiro Durães - Member.

2019 - Current


Public policies, mental disability and children and adolescents with disabilities: developments in the validation research of the Brazilian Functioning Index (IFBr)

Description:The project will reflect on the ways in which children and adolescents and people with mental disabilities are being expressed in public policies for people with disabilities; systematize public documents from two countries (to be defined) that deal with the issue of disability in children and adolescents and mental disability; to know the reality of disability assessment in Spain; carry out a bibliographical review on mental disability; review articles about children/adolescents with disabilities. The project is developed in partnership with the Medical Anthropology Research Center (MARC) of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain.
Status: In progress; Nature: Research.

Members: Éverton Luís Pereira - Coordinator / Angel Martínez-Hernáez - Member.
Sponsor(s): Federal District Research Support Foundation - Scholarship.
Number of C, T & A productions: 2

2016 - 2021


Implementation of the Single Model for assessing and valuing disability: an analysis of the validation process of the Brazilian Functioning Index (IFBr) by Brazilian social policies

Description:This is an action-research project that aims to analyze the appropriation of the Brazilian Functioning Index (IFBr) in disability assessment instruments and propose improvements. For this, it is intended to monitor and guide the validation processes to be carried out by sectoral bodies of federal public policies, with a multidimensional and intersectoral classification approach ? biopsychosocial and interinstitutional. During 2016 and 2017, public entities will promote IFBr's own validation processes, as part of the implementation of the so-called Single Model for Classification and Valuation of Disability to be conducted by the National Secretariat for the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, of the Ministry of Women, Racial Equality and Human Rights. The Single Model will be introduced into our legal system to comply with § 1 of art. 2 of the Brazilian Law for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, Law 13.146/2015, which will come into force in January 2018. This research intends to accompany these validation processes in order not only to observe and analyze the paths and results of validations, but also to intervene , seeking to bring about a convergence of disability assessments with the definitions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), and thus promote the rights of persons with disabilities in Brazil through the creation of the Single Model. Action research is a research undertaking that is not limited to the investigation process, but seeks to intervene with the researched subjects/phenomena in order to promote a specific political agenda. This project is, therefore, a result of the team's political commitment to the political agendas of people with disabilities in Brazil, so that the research foresees interventions that seek to contemplate these agendas. It is expected to produce a methodology for the validations, for monitoring the multicentric validations of the IFBr, an analytical-descriptive map of the appropriation of the IFBr by Brazilian policies and an analysis to indicate convergences of the appropriations with an expectation of a Single Model.
Status: Completed; Nature: Research.
Students involved: Undergraduate: (6) / Academic Master's: (1) / Doctorate: (3) .

Members: Éverton Luís Pereira - Coordinator / Edgar Merchan Hamann - Member / Heleno Correia Filho - Member / Livia Barbosa Pereira - Member / Marineia Crosara de Resende - Member / Ana Rita de Paula - Member / Diego Ferreira Lima Silva - Member / Indyara de Araújo Morais - Member / Ana Paula do Nascimento Barros - Member.
Financier(s): National Secretariat for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Cooperation.
Number of C, T & A productions: 8 / Number of orientations: 1

Disability Observatory
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Brasilia - UnB University Campus Darcy Ribeiro
North Wing, Brasilia-DF Brazil
CEP: 70.910-900

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Logotipo vertical do projeto, composto pelas letras O e D em cima do nome Observatório Deficiência.
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